Home Health & Fitness Alcoholics Anonymous Is Here To Help

Alcoholics Anonymous Is Here To Help

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous Is Here To Help – The fellowship’s principal purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve the same.

Sharing Experiences

AA is not affiliated with any sect, social, religious or political group or organisation.  It neither supports nor opposes any causes.  Its sole purpose is to help those struggling with alcohol.

Meetings are open to anyone with problems with alcohol.  Some meetings allow family members or friends to attend the first meeting. AA’s members consist of people from all walks of life, any age, religion, race or gender.

Despairing woman surrounded by bottles of alcohol

AA operates through members sharing their experience, strengths and hopes, offering mutual support to achieve sobriety.  As all members are alcoholics trying to recover from their addiction, there is no judgement, only support and encouragement.  AA values anonymity and anything said or seen within a meeting stays with the meeting.

Meetings Every Day

There is no cost to attend AA meetings – the only requirement is a desire to stop drinking. There are meetings every day in Wrexham and the surrounding area, and you can find these online at alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/find-a-meeting.

Alternatively, a telephone helpline is available, where people who are struggling with alcohol can speak to another alcoholic, who will put them in touch with an AA member local to their area and who will be able to introduce them to the meetings in the area. AA’s newcomers are sure of a warm welcome at any meeting.

Alcoholics Anonymous logo

You can get in touch by calling the regional helpline on 0151 709 2900 or the national helpline on 0800 917 7650. There is also an email address to help alcoholics who are seeking help with their addiction: help@aamail.org.  The AA will always respect your anonymity in any contact with them.

Very Simple

The way it works is very simple – it is one alcoholic talking to another. Alcoholics Anonymous is there to listen and to help you.

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