Home Education Wrexham Glyndŵr University July 2021 Latest

Wrexham Glyndŵr University July 2021 Latest

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Glyndŵr Hedgehog Detector Dog

This month’s Glyndŵr University update looks at a very special hedgehog detector dog and university sports scientists. You can also read about the latest on the Dean Road appeal.

Henry the Hedgehog Detector!

Wrexham Glyndŵr has welcomed the UK’s only hedgehog detection dog onto their main campus. Henry, a rescue Springer Spaniel, uses his sense of smell, which is more than 100,000 than a human’s, to sniff out signs of the animals.

Students, staff and handler and founder of the Conservation K9 Consultancy, Louise Wilson, followed Henry as he sniffed his way across campus through the University’s Science Garden, the quad and surrounding greenery.

Louise, who trains wildlife detection dogs like Henry for conservation work, search wowed students and staff with a Q and A session where she described the benefits of using wildlife detection dogs.

“It’s non-biased and non-invasive, especially with hedgehogs as they’re nocturnal. There’s nothing else out there that searches for them to the same level as Henry in the daytime.”

When Henry finds a hedgehog, he indicates by sitting or lying down beside Louise. Louise then checks the spot, taking care not to disturb the animal.

If you’d like to know more about the project, you can go to glyndwr.ac.uk and search for “hedgehog”.

WGU Help Wrexham FC With Pre-Season Preparation

University staff and students have been helping prepare Wrexham FC’s new management team and squad for next season – while being filmed for a documentary series.

The footballers visited the University’s Human Performance Lab this week, where under the watchful eye of Glyndŵr Sports Scientist Richard Lewis, they were weighed, measured and tested.

Film-makers captured this testing as part of a documentary that has been in progress since Hollywood stars Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney took over the club last year.

Helping Richard record the data was student Chris Wallace, who the day before had learned he would be graduating with a First in his BSc Hons Sport, Health and Performance Science Degree.

Richard said: “The Wrexham FC first-team came in with their fitness coach for body-composition analysis and body-fat assessment.

Chris added: “I found the session really enjoyable. I also had the chance to apply my theoretical knowledge and work with professional athletes from a sport that I would not usually be a part of.

WGU Planning Appeal Success

The University has been successful in gaining planning permission for development on its Dean Road site.

The University has received the following confirmation from the Welsh Government Planning Inspectorate. The Wrexham Council Planning Committee’s initial decision to refuse the application has been overturned.

It means the University’s Campus 2025 project can move forward. It will modernise and improve facilities for students and staff. The project will also bring more comprehensive benefits to the area as a whole.

The Dean Road application was one of a raft of applications the university submitted to Wrexham Council in 2019. The university was seeking permission for low-density housing in line with emerging local development plans. The University has earmarked around one-third of the site for a sports and recreation facility and some green space.


About Wrexham Glyndŵr University

Founded in 2008, Wrexham Glyndŵr University is a young, bold and vibrant university based in northeast Wales. The university has two campuses in Wrexham: Plas Coch and Regent Street. There are also campuses in Northop and St Asaph. In addition, the university won the silver award in the Teaching Excellence Framework for the quality of teaching in 2017.

The university drives academic excellence through a wide range of innovative and industry-relevant courses. Examples are Computing, Engineering, Applied Science, Creative Arts, Criminology and Psychology.

In conclusion, Wrexham Glyndŵr has been a Top 100 University in the WhatUni Student Choice Awards in 2019 and 2020. Besides this, the Campus 2025 strategy encompasses plans for new student accommodation. There will also be new car parking and upgraded facilities over the next five years.

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Glyndŵr Hedgehog Detector Dog

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