Home Covid-19 updates Wrexham Industrial Estate Transport Study

Wrexham Industrial Estate Transport Study

by Adam Howarth, Editor

Firstly, a huge thank-you to the 50 companies who have completed this survey. We cannot stress enough how important it is for businesses on the estate and travelling to the estate to have a say on the future strategy for travel and infrastructure. Please take a few minutes to complete it and also share the public survey with your employees, customers, suppliers, etc.

Secondly, Wrexham County Borough Council have commissioned Arcadis to develop a transport strategy for the Wrexham Industrial Estate. It is extremely important that the views of businesses on the industrial estate inform this strategy. Your responses to the survey will help shape options for improvements to the transport network around the estate. The study will look at everything, including; lorry parking, road markings, road signage, parking, sustainable and active travel and public transport links.  It will also look at the feasibility of a lorry park for the estate.

Wrexham Industrial Estate

Wrexham Industrial Estate is the second-largest industrial estate in the UK, and also one of the largest in Europe. At peak times, over 3,500 vehicles enter and exit the estate per hour, creating large demands on the transport network.

The study forms the first stage of the Welsh Government’s transport appraisal process. It will be used as evidence for funding bids and infrastructure improvements in the local area.

Please fill out this brief survey, which should take no more than five minutes of your time, regardless of how often you travel to the estate.

There is also a survey for staff/members of the public accessing the estate this could include – suppliers, customers, deliveries, visitors. Please share this with your employees and everyone else who accesses the estate.

Please click here: Public/Employee Survey

Your responses will help shape options for improvements to the transport network and give us a better understanding of how you currently travel, and how you would like to in the future.

For further information, please contact wrexhamindustrialestatetransportstudy@arcadis.com

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