“May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.”
Christmas And Cymraeg: It’s Christmas! What a great time of the year to impress everyone round the dinner table with some fancy Welsh words for the festive season. You could even use them to make a Christmas quiz for your family and friends!
Here is the list of our Welsh words for Christmas.
Don’t forget: all the previous lessons are available on our website.
English | Welsh | English pronunciation |
Merry Christmas | Nadolig Llawen | Nah-doll-lig Llah-when1 |
Father Christmas | Sion corn | Shaun Corr-n |
Wreath | Torch | Torr-ch2 |
Hot chocolate | Siocled poeth | Shock-led poyth |
Snowman | Dyn eira | Dean Ay3-rah |
Turkey | Twrci | Two-rr-key |
Mince pie | Mins pei | Mince pay |
Christmas pudding | Pwdin Nadolig | Poo-dean Nah-doll-lig |
Reindeer | Carw/Ceirw (plural) | Ca-roo/Kay-roo |
Star | Seren | Ser-en |
Christmas shopping | Siopa Nadolig | Shop-ah Nah-doll-lig |
Carol singing | Canu carolau | Can-ee Car-oll-eye |
Happy New Year | Blwyddyn Newydd Dda | Blue-thin4 Neh-with Tha4 |
1 ‘ll’: place tongue behind the teeth and blow
2 ‘ch’ as in ‘loch’
3 ‘ay as in ‘say’
4 ‘th’ as in ‘that’
Darparwyd gyda chymorth gan Helo Blod Lleol | Provided with support from Helo Blod Local |
Os hoffech gyngor ar sut i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn eich busnes a chymhorth cyfieithu am ddim, cysylltwch: | If you’d like advice on how to use Welsh in your business and free translation support, contact: |
ffion.whitham@heloblodlocal.wales businesswales.gov.wales/heloblod/
We hope you enjoyed our article called ‘Christmas And Cymraeg: A Perfect Combination’. To see the full series of our Welsh learning pages, click here.
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