Home Covid-19 updates Wales’ Coronavirus Restrictions Update

Wales’ Coronavirus Restrictions Update

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Wales' Coronavirus Restrictions Update

Please find below a Wales’ coronavirus restrictions update made yesterday, Wednesday 16th December 2020. Higher-level restrictions will subsequently come into force to control rapidly accelerating coronavirus rates across Wales. The First Minister, Mark Drakeford, has specifically confirmed the current conditions mean Wales has met the criteria in the new traffic-light Coronavirus Control Plan to move to alert-level four.

The new restrictions will apply to all of Wales:

  • All non-essential retail, including close-contact services and all leisure and fitness centres, will close at the end of trading on Christmas Eve.
  • Additionally, all hospitality premises will close from 6pm on Christmas Day.

Tighter restrictions on household mixing, staying-at-home, holiday accommodation and travel will consequently apply from December 28 2020, after the five-day Christmas period.

For further information, visit the gov.uk website.

The Welsh Government have published an update to their Coronavirus Control Plan. This plan builds on the traffic-light framework of restrictions originally put in place in May 2020. The revised plan puts four alert levels in place. To sum up, these levels match the measures that will control the spread of the virus through the difficult winter months ahead. They will also protect people’s health.

It also sets out how and when Wales will move between these alert levels. The all-Wales measures are designed to be as simple, fair and clear as possible. Furthermore, they will provide greater certainty for people and businesses about what the legal restrictions will be. These restrictions will subsequently depend on the level of risk, helping them to plan for the future.

At-a-glance guide to what is open at alert-level four

** Please note there will be exceptions to the following in certain circumstances **

  • Schools, colleges and childcare providers
  • Providers of higher education
  • Places of worship
  • Community facilities (limits apply)
  • Crematoriums
  • Outdoor playgrounds and public parks
  • Weddings

At-a-glance guide to what is closed at alert-level four

** Please note there will be exceptions to the following in certain circumstances **

  • Event and conference centres
  • Ice-skating rinks
  • Visitor attractions
  • Entertainment venues
  • Wedding receptions/wakes and post-funeral gatherings
  • Sports courts, skateboarding areas and golf courses
  • Leisure and fitness facilities
  • Public facilities
  • Holiday accommodation
  • Hospitality premises
  • Close-contact services, such as tattooists, hairdressers and nail technicians
  • Non-essential retail
  • Nightclubs and adult-entertainment venues

For further information, visit the gov.wales website.

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