“Family: Where Life Begins… and Love Never Ends” is the theme, as we change the style a little and learn about a set topic rather than something seasonal. This month we focus on Welsh family-related words.
Don’t forget: all the previous lessons are available on our website.
English | Welsh | English pronunciation |
Family Husband Wife Boyfriend/Girlfriend Partner Brother Sister Son Daughter Friend Grandfather Grandmother Nephew Niece |
Teulu Gŵr Gwraig Cariad Partner Brawd Chwaer Mab Merch Ffrind Taid Nain Nai Nith |
Tail-ee Goo-rr Goo-rye-g Carry-ad Part-nehrr Brow-d Ch¹wah-err Maab Mehrch¹ Freend Tied Nine Nye Neath |
Darparwyd gyda chymorth gan Helo Blod Lleol | Provided with support from Helo Blod Local |
Os hoffech gyngor ar sut i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn eich busnes a chymhorth cyfieithu am ddim, cysylltwch: | If you’d like advice on how to use Welsh in your business and free translation support, contact: |
We hope you enjoyed our Welsh family-related words. To see the full series of our Welsh learning pages, click here.
HeloBlod is a part of Business Wales. Business Wales is a free service that provides impartial, independent support and advice to people starting, running and growing a business in Wales. With regional centres across Wales, we offer a mixture of online and face-to-face support, as well as training workshops and individual advice.