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Explore the World Without Leaving Your Couch!

by Adam Howarth, Editor
World Travel From Home

World Travel From Home! While travel may be off the cards, for now, virtual escapism is open to everyone with an internet connection. Now it is undoubtedly the perfect opportunity to reminisce about your favourite holiday or get excited about your next adventure. To that end, Our travel expert, Becky Davies from NotJustTravel, shows us six ways to experience travel without leaving the safety and comfort of home.

Virtual Reality

Downtown Nashville

Some destinations are setting up new and wacky ways to visit their incredible sights and attractions. The following are best of the bunch:

  • Ride a virtual roller coaster in Orlando
  • Watch a live artist in Nashville
  • Live-stream the Northern Lights in Canada

Cook Your Favourite Cuisine

Remember those fantastic tacos in Mexico or that fabulous paella in Spain? So why not try to recreate your favourite food from destinations across the world? Transport yourself around the world while you enjoy the cuisine from the places you love the most.

This website gives you some great tips on how to host a Mexican evening. There’s information about making the perfect guacamole and also a delicious margarita. Click here if you want to find out how to make a mouthwatering paella.

Don’t stop there! Use Google to find whatever recipe you want from whatever part of the world.

Google Earth

Why not visit your favourite destinations on Google Earth? Indeed, relive that moment from that epic family holiday you took or the incredible backpacking adventure. We’ve all searched our own houses on Google Earth (why is it we all do that?!) so search for that hidden beach spot you found in Greece instead.

This website has some of the most breathtaking beaches in the world. Our particular coastal favourites are Tarifa in Spain and Kata beach, Kefalos on the island of Kos. Furthermore, why not get the kids involved and make it into a geography lesson?

Get Your Read On

A good book is a cure for most things so grab a travel-inspired piece and settle down and get cosy. They can help you feed your travel bug and also bring some inspiration to your next travel destination. Equally, you could even set up a virtual book club with family or friends.

Here are a few recommendations:

Travel Shows

With a bit more time on our hands, it has never been better to catch up on travel-inspired documentaries. 

  • Race Across The World: witness couples trying to get specific points of the globe without flying, making sure they hit checkpoints along the way.
  • Binge-watch David Attenborough Perfect Planet series.
  • Pedal The World features Felix Starck on an 18,000km bicycle journey across 22 countries.

Tune Into the Travel Podcast

Have you seen the Not Just Travel Covid travel guide? If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Go to notjusttravel.com/covid-travel.

Becky’s website is full of holiday ideas, exciting tips and great deals – go to beckydavies.notjusttravel.com. You can contact Becky on 07852 670 406, on Facebook (“notjusttravelbeckydavies”) or via the ‘Get-in-Touch’ part of her website.

Becky Davies

Get in touch with Becky today to find out more!

Becky’s website is full of holiday ideas, interesting tips and great deals. You can contact her on 07852 670 406, on Facebook or via the ‘Get-in-Touch’ part of her website.

We hope you enjoyed our article “World Travel From Home”. Check out our other travel-related articles.

Main photo by Laura Hoffmann: www.bbx.de 

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