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Friends of Wrexham Cemetery

by Love Wrexham Magazine
Friends of Wrexham Cemetery

The Friends of Wrexham Cemetery represent volunteers interested in conserving the cemetery, writes Chairman John Davies.

Preserving the Heritage

The group give their free time clearing and maintaining areas of the cemetery. In addition, they sometimes work with local groups to maintain a balance between wildlife and heritage. Friends may also provide guided walks on open days and special events.

Friends also work on projects with Cadw and other organisations to preserve our cemetery’s heritage. Some groups have even restored memorials and chapels.

Wrexham Council has played a significant role in assessing the balanced and non-confrontational approach that we always take when evaluating the safety of headstones and kerbs.

Family Research

We like to meet in the chapel and discuss plans to carry out during the year. For example, there could be new flower beds to create. Sometimes we might have to clear public walkways in certain areas.

Another activity that we can undertake is family research, as there are computers available free to use. Why not could come along and take photographs of any area of interest? You could then do some research or transcribing the Victorian section of our cemetery.

A selection of biographies and stories researched by members of the friends group can be found here.

Joining Friends of Wrexham

Membership is currently free and open to anyone who supports the purpose, values and aims of Friends of Wrexham Cemetery. The group accepts members regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, religion, culture, ethnic or racial identity, disability or age.

If you would like to join or receive further information, please email membership@wrexhamcemetery.co.uk or visit the Wrexham Cemetery Stories website.


Due to Covid-19 restrictions, all events and meetings have been cancelled. However, Friends hope to be back soon.

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