Home Charity AVOW: Wrexham Food Poverty Initiative Funding

AVOW: Wrexham Food Poverty Initiative Funding

by Adam Howarth, Editor

AVOW Funding to support Food Poverty initiatives in Wrexham

The second round of funding is now available for the Tackling Food Poverty and Addressing Food Insecurity Grant Scheme.

The closing date for applications is Monday 28/03/22.


The Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW) is operating a grant scheme funded by the Wrexham European Transition Fund 2021/2022. This scheme will support any voluntary organisation or community group aiding the increasing number of people facing food poverty. It will achieve this by strengthening community food initiatives across Wrexham County Borough. These initiatives will help address the root causes of food poverty).

The funds will support the fantastic work already happening across our communities. They follow on from a previous food poverty grant fund which awarded over £20,000 to nine community initiatives.

Funding is available for food initiatives such as social supermarkets, community cafés, lunch clubs and community cookery classes. Organisations can also apply for capital funds to purchase items like fridges, freezers, and cooking equipment. The money can also IT equipment to help facilitate a system of electronic referrals and contact with customers. 

You can find full criteria and the application link on the AVOW website.

Funding can be used for capital and revenue and is also open to organisations that have already received funding from a previous AVOW grant scheme.

Dawn Roberts-McCabe, the new Chief Officer of AVOW, said, “With rising costs impacting so many people right now, I’m delighted these funds are available to support our community organisations and those who continue to struggle financially. We recognise there is a quick turnaround on these applications and encourage organisations to contact our team if you have any questions or need further support.”

About AVOW

AVOW connects voluntary and community organisations and activities in Wrexham. In this role, it coordinates advice, information, financial and community development support services for charities and community groups. To that end, AVOW can easily signpost people to appropriate sources of support. They also deliver high-quality services to carers, residents with particular needs and those seeking employment.

We hope you enjoyed our article on how AVOW are helping to alleviate food poverty in Wrexham. Please click here for more of our articles on local charities.

AVOW Funding to support Food Poverty initiatives in Wrexham

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