Home Covid-19 updates Face Masks To Be Mandatory In Welsh Shops

Face Masks To Be Mandatory In Welsh Shops

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Welsh Govt Coronavirus Update

Face masks Covid19 Coronavirus

First Minister Mark Drakeford has set out changes to the coronavirus regulations in Wales. Announcing that people in Wales must wear face masks in shops and other indoor public spaces from Monday, 14th September 2020, but they would not be mandatory in workplaces.

Face masks Covid19 Coronavirus

Indoor meetings of more than six from an extended household will be illegal from Monday, 14th September 2020.

The rule will not apply to children under 11 and up to 30 people from different homes can still meet outside.

The new restriction will apply in pubs, restaurants and private homes.

For further information, please visit the gov.wales website.

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