Home Covid-19 updates Job Support Scheme – Update

Job Support Scheme – Update

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Job Support Scheme Update

Job Support Scheme Update

Please find an update about increased financial aid for the Job Support Scheme.

 The JSS starts to operate from 1st November and covers all UK nations. For every hour not worked, the employee will earn up to two-thirds of their usual salary.

The government will now provide up to 61.67% of wages for hours not worked, up to £1,541.75 per month; more than doubling the maximum payment of £697.92 under the previous rules. The cap will be above median earnings for employees in August at a reference salary of £3,125 per month. The minimum-hour requirements for the scheme are now 20% so those working just one day a week will be eligible.

Example: a typical full-time employee in the hospitality industry earns an average of £1,100 per month. Under the Jobs Support Scheme for open businesses, they will still take home at least £807 a month. All the employer needs to pay now is a total of £283 a month or just £70 a week; the government will pay the rest.

Job Retention Bonus

Employers using the scheme will also be able to claim the Job Retention Bonus (JRB) for each employee that meets the eligibility criteria of the JRB. This is worth £1,000 per employee. Taking JSS-Open and JRB together, an employer could receive over 95% of the total wage costs of their employees if they remain with the company until February.

For more information, see the Job Support Scheme Open Factsheet (PDF, 104KB, five pages).

Please follow this link for further information on the Job Support Scheme (Open) together with details on the Job Support Scheme (Closed) which provide support to employers that have been legally required to close their premises as a direct result of coronavirus restrictions set by one or more of the four governments of the UK.

We hope you found this Job Support Scheme update useful. For more of our articles informing you about business and general updates on Covid-19, please click here.

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