Home Charity AVOW: Friend-In-Need Scheme

AVOW: Friend-In-Need Scheme

by Adam Howarth, Editor
AVOW: Friend-In-Need Scheme

Organisations across Wrexham County Borough can apply for a new befriending funding scheme. The scheme is called the Friend in Need Grant and comes from the Welsh Government. Age Cymru with Wrexham County Borough Council and The Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW) are also participating.

Friend-In-Need Funding Scheme

This grant will allow befriending services to reach socially isolated or lonely older people across the county.

Friend-In-Need scheme - man using technology

Principally, the grant aims to promote the initiative to organisations and provide support. There are many ways to approach this. Primarily, by using digital channels and creating connections on different platforms. And secondly by promoting existing services to the target demographic. The up-to £400 fund will hopefully provide additional resources to services that have become invaluable in our communities throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

For further information on the fund, organisations should read the guidance on the AVOW website at www.avow.org or contact the AVOW Funding Officer Nigel Davies at nigel.davies@avow.org.

The Fund

Avow invite organisations to apply for funding to provide new befriending services, enhance existing befriending schemes and reach new audiences. This includes community councils. Accordingly, applications should demonstrate an understanding of the gaps in current provision and knowledge of the communities they wish to work with. Further information about AVOW is available on our website.

AVOW connects voluntary and community organisations and activities in Wrexham. Furthermore, it coordinates advice, information, financial and community development support services for charities and community groups. To that end, AVOW can easily signpost individuals to appropriate sources of support and to deliver high-quality services to carers, citizens with particular needs and those seeking employment.

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