Home Arts & Crafts Tŷ Pawb Residency Opportunity

Tŷ Pawb Residency Opportunity

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Tŷ Pawb Residency Opportunity

Introducing a Tŷ Pawb “Maker Space” residency opportunity for artists, makers and designers.

Their gallery Siop/Shop is changing…

From mid-January 2021, the space will relaunch as Maker Space. This is an accessible studio where artists, makers and designers from all backgrounds can develop their practices with a window onto the world.

Tŷ Pawb are keen to make traditional and contemporary creative practices visible. To that end, they will continue to sell work from a broad spectrum of applied artists in their new display cabinets in the main entrance.

Residency Opportunity 

Maker Space residency opportunities are for artists and makers of all kinds, specifically designers, socially-engaged practitioners, artists and craftspeople are invited to apply. 


Four months from April to July, August to November and December to March 2022.

Maker Space 

The 48 square-metre space lies opposite the galleries in Tŷ Pawb and has a large window open onto the main entrance. Consequently, makers will be able to showcase their practice to a wider audience.  The space can also host digital presentations and we will offer promotion through our social platforms. There will be an opportunity to mount exhibitions and develop activity such as talks and masterclasses. 

Over the course of the residency, you would also be able to lead up to six public activity sessions in Lle Celf Ddefnyddiol, our “Useful Art Space”.


We will provide a materials budget of up to £500. 

Support includes

Marketing and publicity, and access to mentoring/coaching sessions.

Tŷ Pawb typically has a footfall of 50,000 (pre-covid) so there are great opportunities to sell while in the space.

How to Apply

Please send:

  • A statement of up to 500 words about your practice and how this opportunity will develop your work. You must spend a minimum of 20 hours per week in the space.
  • Ten images (or showreel). 
  • An up-to-date CV.

To typawb@wrexham.gov.uk by 31st January 2021.

We encourage and welcome applications from makers from all backgrounds.

Main image by Jonathan Wolf on Unsplash

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