Home Poetry “With Its Rolling Hills and Lovely Vales”

“With Its Rolling Hills and Lovely Vales”

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Poetry Littlehales Jo Young

This month, we feature poetry by Joan Littlehales and Jo Young.

You can find Joan on Facebook. Jo is an aspiring poet who uses her work to express the thoughts and emotions she has experienced in both her personal and professional life.

If you are a poet yourself, equally why not send us your work and we may be able to include it in a future issue?

Lockdown Thoughts (Jo Young)

Anti bac
Emotions to be tracked
2 metre socially distanced
Be virus resistant
Being a key worker
Respect – they are certainly not shirkers
Nurses and Doctors tired and fatigued
New documentaries –to lead to our intrigue
Films, films, box sets, films and TV shows
We just all want a healthy wind that blows

New hobbies, from sewing, baking, cycling – but certainly no sports with balls
Anything – just anything to stop us staring at the four walls
Keep strong
Knowing that we belong
Taking time out to plan holidays – to dream
Choosing music to download or to stream
New recipes and food to eat
No, No, NO – to any negative thoughts or sentences to bleat

A beacon of hope that was Sir Captain Tom Moore
His inspiration made our heart’s soar
Neighbours came together
Lending paint, cement, flour and even leather
Helping others with shopping and meds
There was never anywhere local that we would not tread

Homeschooling – many parents on subjects they had to bluff
Teachers – seriously, we can’t thank you enough!
Food and drink, drink and food…
Restaurants and pubs forced to shut – again – that we really booed

Dark and light
Didn’t help us sleep tight
Social bubbles
Lack of hair cuts, and beards that emerged from stubble

Lockdown one, two, three, and four…
Groundhog day again and again – life was a bore
Being furloughed
Repeat… Life was anxious and then slowed
Working from home and still wearing our PJs, T-shirts, sweatpants and shorts
In the real world, my attire would really make my CEO baulk!

Learning to meet by zoom and teams
Our visual backgrounds had to beam
So, whilst the virus is with us, let’s improve our mental health
And by working together – we can collectively improve our emotional and financial wealth!

Wales (Joan Littlehales)

I love this countryside of Wales
With its rolling hills and lovely vales,
Mountains high rugged and grand,
Rivers that wind through purple moorland.

Castles grim on high they stand,
Centuries ago guarding the land.
When knight and king quarrelled and fought
To rule this land of song and thought.

Across the moors, the heather grows
Honeysuckle, foxglove in the hedgerows.
Fields that turn from green to gold,
With corn and wheat, a wealth untold.

Cattle graze on sweet green grass,
Sheep that roam from crag to pass.
Mountain ponies, heads held high,
With streaming manes as they pass by.

But most of all I love the woods,
Horse chestnuts with the sticky buds,
Oak, ash and lofty pine,
And the little fir trees that stand in line.
And now that I’m too old to roam
I sit and dream of scenes I’ve known,
Of lakes and trees, and mountains high,
They’re all beloved in my mind’s eye.

We certainly hope you enjoyed “With Its Rolling Hills and Lovely Vales”Poet Anne Douglas Presents. For further poetry articles, click here.

Poetry Littlehales Jo Young

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