Local Florist, Laura Evison of Regent House of Flowers is raising money for a very worthy cause by giving you a chance to win limited edition prints of a beautiful painting.
For those who don’t know my story, Mick (my partner) took his life in February 2021.
My Soulmate
Mick was my soulmate, and we had only been together for 17 months, but they were enough to fill me with a lifetime of memories and adventures while walking the mountains of England and Wales.
He was an Army veteran who suffered with his mental health, and this is one of the reasons I chose the Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Airmen’s Families Association (SSAFA) as a charity to support. I also decided on the Brecon Mountain Rescue teams, who do a fantastic job keeping us safe walking in that area.
We would have celebrated Mick’s 50th birthday on 18th June, so to mark the occasion, I decided to paint one of his favourite paths: The Storey Arms in Brecon, where he trained as a young man in the army.
The Sunset We Never Had
Shortly after we lost him, I went up there to see the sunset, something we had always planned to do together. I took a photo of the pathway with the ridge on the right-hand side where his memorial stones are. I felt this was the view I wanted to paint in his memory, and this is how the name “The Sunset We Never Had” came about.
Usually, I put the original in a draw to win, but creating this has been such an emotional journey that I decided to exhibit it (if I can) for others to enjoy. Consequently, I will put two framed limited edition copies into a draw and pick two winners at random on 1st December.
The proceeds will be split between the SSAFA, supporting families and veterans from all the forces, and the Brecon Mountain rescue team. I will keep 10% to create a future painting.
I will donate £5 of every print sold to the charities. Donate £2.50 and you will get a place in the draw. Donating £5 will give you two chances and so on.
Email lausy8@hotmail.com with the reference “The Sunset We Never Had” and include your name, amount and contact details. I will then send you your ticket number.
Go to regenthouseofflowers.co.uk to buy a framed limited edition print and see all my artwork. You can also donate at justgiving.com/crowdfunding/micks50th.
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