No ‘Beach Bod’ in Barcelona!
- It
is illegal to wear a bikini in Barcelona, except on the beach.
- In 1853, the Venus de Milo statue was put on trial for nudity in Mannheim, Germany.
- Aztec mothers who died in childbirth were regarded as highly as warriors who died in battle.
- Shark Bay, Australia, is now called ‘Safety Beach’. It changed its name to attract tourists.
- 18.3% of Iceland’s population uses cannabis, placing them as the top marijuana-consuming nation in the world.
“Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth” – Mike Tyson
When Muhammad Ali lost a fight against Larry Holmes, a 14-year-old Mike Tyson promised him that when he “got big”, he would beat Larry Holmes for him. Six years later he took Holmes down.
- The main actor of “The Gods Must Be Crazy” was only paid $300 even though the film made over $60 million.
- Rock Paper Scissors was invented in China, but popularized in Japan where it’s called “Janken.”
- Saltwater crocodiles enjoy catching a wave and can travel hundreds of kilometres by “surfing” on ocean currents.
- ‘Orchid’ actually means testicle. The surgical procedure to remove one or more testicles is an ‘orchidectomy’.
We Are Truly a Dog’s Best Friend
- Researchers have found that more than a third of all sick leave is taken on a Monday.
- The word “vodka” is a diminutive form of the Slavic word “voda” (water) interpreted as “little water”.
In 1916, the German Empire allowed citizens to take passport photos with their dogs.
- It is possible to find the age of a lobster by counting the rings on its eyestalks.
- Black Sabbath’s eponymous debut album was released on Friday the 13th February, 1970.
A Pilot’s Mistake
- According to a survey, 24 is the age you’re most likely to shop at IKEA.
- Finland’s passport became a flipbook when it was redesigned in 2012. It features a moose that walks across the page as you thumb through it.
- Lee Harvey Oswald wasn’t arrested for killing President Kennedy. He was actually arrested for fatally shooting a police officer 45 minutes after the death of JFK.
- Chewing gum became a global phenomenon during WWII when it was included in American GI rations.
In 1986, a Soviet pilot made a bet with his co-pilot that he could land the aeroplane with an instrument-only approach with no visual contact with the ground. He crashed the plane, killing 70 of the 94 passengers and crew on board.
An Apollo Astronauts Autograph
- Taylor Swift has trademarked the phrases “this sick beat”, “party like it’s 1989,” and “Nice to meet you. Where you been?”.
- After the assassination of JFK, all three US TV networks interrupted their regular programming to cover it for four straight days, the longest uninterrupted news event until 9/11.
Apollo Astronauts couldn’t get life insurance. They made their own by autographing cards to be sold by their families if they didn’t return.
- A British study found that one third of vegetarians eat meat when drunk.
- The Statue of Liberty employs gum-cleaning staff who use specially designed “GumBuster” machines.
- In Sweden, IKEA is pronounced “ee-kay-uh” not “eye-kee-ah”. The word is made up of the initials of the founder’s name and the village he grew up in.
1980’s – What a Era!
- During Germany’s hyperinflation that peaked in 1923, a loaf of bread cost 428 billion marks and a kilo of butter would run you roughly 6 trillion.
- US television networks allow alcohol to be advertised as long as no one in the commercial is actually drinking it.
- Divers who recover golf balls from lakes make up to £116,000 per year or $150,000.
- “Euouae” is the longest word in the English language which is made up of nothing but vowels.
- There are only four artists who have achieved a Top 40 hit every decade since the 1980s: U2, Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Weird Al Yankovic.
The Pyramid Wasn’t the Only Thing to Be Erected in Egypt!
- One in five kidneys donated in the US are thrown away because a suitable recipient can’t be found.
- Tutankhamen was the only ancient Egyptian who was mummified with an erect penis.
- The largest volcanic region on Earth is two kilometres below the surface of the vast ice sheet that covers west Antarctica where at least 136 volcanoes are located.
- Berlin’s Tempelhof Airport is named because the land it’s built on was owned originally by the Knights Templar.
- France paid the highest taxes in Europe in 2016, with a real tax rate of 57.53%.
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