Home Business Wales Business Wales Information And Guidance

Business Wales Information And Guidance

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Business Wales Information And Guidance

Business Wales Information And Guidance

Further lifting of Wales’ coronavirus restrictions

Large parts of Wales’ visitor, hospitality, leisure and tourism industries can reopen. There has also been an announcement as to when pubs, cafes and restaurants can open again outdoors. Hairdressers, barbers and mobile hairdressers can reopen by appointment. The wider beauty industry, including tattooists, can also begin to prepare to reopen.

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Further business support announced

Including VAT cuts for tourism and hospitality sectors, new job retention bonus for employers who bring back furloughed staff and a kickstart jobs scheme.

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Keeping Wales Safe at Work

If you’re considering what you need to do to safely restart your business, ‘Keep Wales Safe at Work’ has detailed guidance, examples and resources to help your business.

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What to do if you’re self-employed if you are getting less or no work

Guidance for people who are self-employed and getting less work or no work because of coronavirus (COVID-19).

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Wales Tech Week – 13 to 17 July 2020

From global technology leaders to start-ups, Wales Tech Week will shine a light on the achievements and innovation of the people and organisations within Wales.

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Campaign to support Welsh food and drink producers

The #LoveWalesLoveTaste campaign aims to raise awareness of the outstanding food and drink from Wales. You download and share the free digital pack.

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North Wales Economic Ambition Board survey: Impact of COVID-19 on Businesses in North Wales

This survey is to understand what we need to do to spark and support a revival when lockdown restrictions come to and end.

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The beautiful main photo is courtesy of Ginger Pixie photography.

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