AVOW Covid Community Showcase
Nominations are now open for the AVOW Covid Community Showcase.
With the Covid-19 pandemic, the Wrexham Volunteer Centre redeployed into the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham (AVOW) Covid team. Accordingly, AVOW have been in contact with organisations, community groups and hundreds of volunteers across the county dedicating time to the community and helping those in need.
As an illustration, they’ve seen help given to families, friends and strangers. All this support, through shielding, social distancing and isolation, has had a significant impact on the local community. Specifically, the nominations aim to showcase some of the work taking place in our community. They also want to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has played a vital role throughout the pandemic.
Nominations are forthwith open to anyone who has a story to tell with the permission of anyone entered. Furthermore, they will collect stories from the community and compile them into a Covid-19 support map across Wrexham County Borough. Highlights from the nominations will feature on their website and social media pages. In addition, each nomination will receive a certificate from AVOW to say, ‘Thank you’. They also hope to present these to the nominees personally at their next event.
So let them know who has made a difference in your community by 14th August 2020. You can do this through their online nomination form and help them tell the story of Covid in Wrexham County Borough.
For more details, please visit www.avow.org or phone 01978 312 556.
Contacts are Victoria Milner and John Gallanders.
More About AVOW
AVOW is part of Third Sector Support Wales (TSSW). This is the collective name given to the network of support organisations for the Third Sector in Wales. It comprises 19 County Voluntary Councils in Wales as well as Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA).
The shared goal is to enable the Third Sector and volunteers across Wales. They also contribute fully to individual and community well-being, not only now, but also in the future.
The focus of our collective work will concentrate mainly on four pillars of activity:
- Volunteering
- Good governance
- Sustainable funding
- Engagement and influencing
AVOW Vision
Generally, to support voluntary and community sectors achieve their missions for the benefit of the community within Wrexham County Borough.
AVOW Mission
To enable voluntary and community sectors achieve their missions within Wrexham County Borough, AVOW will:
- Support the development of individuals and organisations within the voluntary and community sectors.
- Establish and sustain good practice.
- Undertake the provision of services appropriate to the voluntary and community sectors.
- Consult, represent and champion the voluntary and community sectors locally and nationally.
In conclusion, AVOW was established in 1988 and is a registered Charity and a Company Limited by Guarantee.
More Articles
This ‘AVOW Covid Community Showcase’ article has been kindly provided by the Wrexham-based charity AVOW. For more of our articles featuring AVOW, please click here.