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Removing Confusion Over Facemasks

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Removing Confusion Over Facemasks

Removing confusion over the wearing of facemasks

Removing confusion over the wearing of facemasks. The Welsh Government has introduced yet more changes over the last few days to help limit the spread of coronavirus in Wales. The response from shops, pubs, restaurants and cafes in Wrexham has impressed Wrexham’s Public Protection service. As has their willingness to take on board the new guidance and implement all the necessary precautions and safeguards.

Detailed up-to-date guidance is available by following this link.

Four Essential Points About Facemasks

One area that has caused some confusion is the further requirement for the wearing of face masks so we have set them out here as simply and clearly as possible in order to assist and support businesses.

  • All staff must wear a face mask where they are in areas accessible to customers
  • Businesses must make it crystal clear to customers, through signage and any other means, that customers must wear masks the whole time they are on the premises.
  • Customers of pubs, restaurants and cafes must wear masks until they are seated at a table. At this point, they may remove the mask may. However, they must put the mask back on to leave the table for any reason.
  • Some people are exempt from wearing a face mask. Businesses should enquire discretely where any customer attempts to enter whilst not wearing a mask.

Face masks will only work if the vast majority of people use them. Businesses have an important role to play in making wearing a mask a normal thing to do. If all shop staff and the vast majority of customers are complying with the law and are wearing masks, it is far more likely that new customers entering your premises will do the same. So please make the rules clear to customers and set the best example possible by ensuring all your staff are wearing masks.

Possibly More Restrictions

In conclusion, the risks for businesses could not be any starker. If the current restrictions fail, there will be an increase in infections and the Welsh Government are likely to impose even more stringent restrictions. These measures could include the wholesale closure of businesses in Wrexham.

We hope you found this article about removing confusion over facemasks useful. For more of our articles informing you how the coronavirus is affecting our part of North Wales, please click here.

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