Home Community Healthy Working Wales Survey Extension

Healthy Working Wales Survey Extension

by Adam Howarth, Editor

The Healthy Working Wales (HWW) programme has announced an extension to their 2023 employer survey.

Recent reports have highlighted a sharp rise in employees leaving the workforce due to ill health. With the cost of living crisis affecting you and your staff, you can help us to understand the needs of the Welsh workforce by completing our new, short survey.

Many thanks to all employers who have already done this. We can already see that the mental health and well-being of your workforce is a major concern, and you have given us some great feedback as to how we can help you to support your disabled employees and those with long-term health conditions.

So everyone can share their thoughts, we have extended the survey deadline until 19th March 2023.

In the meantime, access the Healthy Working Wales website pages to find information and support for various issues, including mental health and well-being, and the cost of living crisis.

Mary-Ann McKibben – Consultant Lead, Healthy Working Wales

Healthy Workplace, Healthy Workforce, Healthy Business

The Healthy Working Wales (HWW) programme aims to support and encourage employers to create healthy working environments, take action to improve the health and well-being of their staff, manage sickness absence well and engage with employees effectively, all of which can help to achieve a range of positive business and organisational outcomes.

The HWW Programme:

  • Offers health adviser support, training events, workshops, information, and guidance. 
  • Operates a free awards scheme for employers in Wales, providing a framework to improve employee health and well-being whilst rewarding employers who are actively working to do so.
  • Contributes to and complements employers’ short and long-term goals.
  • Sends a powerful message, internally and externally, that employers are committed to creating a better working environment.
  • Supports employers to develop policies and undertake actions designed to promote happier and healthier workforces.
  • Seeks to promote communication and open conversations by raising awareness of health and wellbeing issues and reducing stigma.
  • Is delivered by Public Health Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government.

Why Are Health And Wellbeing At Work Important?

Employers play a key role in contributing to the health and well-being of the workforce because:

  • Employees spend a large proportion of their time at work.
  • The top two causes of long-term employee absence in the UK are preventable:
    • Musculoskeletal problems
    • Mental health conditions
  • In the UK, 119 million days were lost to sickness absence in 2020 (the lowest level since records began in 1995 but please note, this number is affected by furloughed workers).
  • Poor mental health costs UK employers billions annually, with the largest hit coming from lost productivity caused by presenteeism.

Why Should Employers Get Involved?

The Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD, 2020) states:

“A culture of well-being, driven by great people management, is good for employees and good for business. It makes the workplace a more productive, attractive and socially responsible place to work.”

Committing to health and well-being will enhance an employer’s reputation resulting in better recruitment of staff and new talent and good employee engagement and retention. 

Employees who feel that their employer is proactively supporting their health and well-being will:

  • Feel valued as an employee.
  • Experience increased levels of morale, motivation and productivity.
  • Experience fewer episodes of sickness absence.
  • Be more likely to stay with an organisation, thereby retaining valuable skills and experience plus reducing staff turnover and associated recruitment costs.
  • Be part of a more engaged workforce that will work efficiently together.
  • Enjoy a positive working environment which in turn allows the organisation to thrive.


Any employer in Wales with at least one employee is eligible to join the programme, free of charge. We welcome employers of any size and in any sector to participate with Healthy Working Wales.

We hope you enjoyed reading about the Healthy Working Wales Survey extension. For more articles about your county, click here.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash.

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