
Do you want to know what facts we have in store for you? You can also read more of our facts here.
Horsing Around
- A chimpanzee named Anjana adopted and raised two baby white tigers named Mitra and Shiva found abandoned after a hurricane.
- Giraffes only need to drink once every few days. Most of their water comes from the plants they eat.
- A tiger’s roar is audible up to 1.8 miles (3km) away.
- Przewalski’s horse was never domesticated, making it the only true “wild horse” still with us today.
- Koalas sleep up to 20 hours a day.

That’s a “Whaley” Long Time!
- The life span of giant pandas in the wild is approximately 20 years.
- Whale Sharks can live up to 100 years.
- Unlike many mammals, bears can see in colour.
- Some cats have survived falls from over 32 stories (105 meters) onto concrete, due largely to their “righting reflex.”.
- Dolphins have the longest memory in the animal kingdom.

The Perfect Pair
- Many fish can taste without opening their mouths.
- Octopuses have three hearts.
- Some prehistoric penguin species attained enormous sizes, becoming as tall or as heavy as an adult human.
- Spiders can walk on water, and breathe under it, too.
- Ostriches and zebras often live together for protection. The ostrich’s height means it can see a long way and the zebra has acute hearing and smell.

A Beach a Day Keeps the Mental Health at Bay
- Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach every day for over 27 years.
- Denmark’s current flag design was first used in 1219. No other modern country has used its flag for so long.
- There’s a limestone cliff with over 5,000 dinosaur footprints in Bolivia – many date back 68 million years.
- There’s a golf club on the border of Sweden and Finland: nine holes are in one country and nine in the other.
- Nearly half the gold ever mined has come from Witwatersrand, South Africa.

‘I Can See a Rainbow… See a Rainbow’
- With over 4 billion people and 30% of Earth’s total land area, Asia is the Earth’s largest and most populous continent.
- There is a section of the Berlin Wall in the men’s bathroom of the Main Street Station casino in Las Vegas.
- California has built 23 prisons since 1980. In the same period, the University of California system has opened just one new campus.
- From July to November, the Caño Cristales River in Colombia turns yellow, green, blue, black or red.
- One billion people speak English. That’s one in every seven on earth.

“Moo-ve” It Along!
- Mexico has 68 official languages.
- In West Bengal, India, cows must have a photo ID card.
- Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel which he politely declined.
- One in five people in France has experienced depression making it the most depressed country in the world.
- The city of “New Amsterdam” was given to the Duke of York in 1664 as an 18th birthday present from his father. He renamed the city “New York.”