Home Community Hope House Makes Mum’s Dream to See Son Swim Come True

Hope House Makes Mum’s Dream to See Son Swim Come True

by Love Wrexham Magazine

A mum’s dream of seeing her two-year-old boy Theo swim has come true thanks to the hard work of staff at Hope House Children’s Hospice. 

Laura Williams, from Wrexham, has always dreamed her little boy Theo would one day be able to go swimming. Something which has seemed out of reach since he was born. 

But Laura asked the physio team at Hope House to investigate how Theo could get to swim. After lots of research, working with Theo’s consultant at Alder Hey and purchasing a specialist swimming suit. Theo was able to get into the hospice’s hydrotherapy pool with his mum and sister Esmae, 5. 

“It was like I was still living in that dream,” said Laura, 26. “Theo really enjoyed it. He was just smiling away and giggling. I was just so happy to be able to have that moment and memory with my children. This would not have happened without Hope House.” 

Theo was born with a kidney disease, renal failure, and had a bleed on the brain. He spent a lot of his early life confined to hospital with Laura during the pandemic.  

“I was introduced to the staff at Hope House, who were incredible for us,” said Laura. “Whether it was helping care for Theo, being there for me to talk, or helping with practical things like doing washing, they were there for us.” 

Theo needs a dialysis catheter for his kidneys, meaning he would not be able to go swimming due to a possible risk of infection. But Hope House staff worked hard to find a solution. They were able to purchase a Hammond swimming suit for Theo, which is sealed against the skin at the neck, elbows, and above the knees to keep his medical lines dry. 

Other children like Theo will also be able to use the suit in the future if they need it.  

Amazing to See

“I couldn’t believe it when they called me to say they’d been able to get a suit that would allow us to get in the pool with Theo,” said Laura. 

“I take each day as it comes with Theo, and everything we do is a memory. We don’t know what the future holds. This was a moment I could cherish, being in the pool with my children.” 

Emma Wyatt, Clinical Therapies Lead at the hospices, said: “Hydrotherapy can be hugely beneficial to children like Theo, and that is why we worked hard to get him this suit. It was a combined effort between our therapy professionals here at Hope House and the community nursing staff. We did lots of research on the benefits and safety aspects so that Theo’s consultant would approve us using the suit. 

“It can help with cardiorespiratory function and help slow down chronic kidney disease progression while also increasing strength and movement. 

“It was amazing to see Theo in the pool. I’m glad that the team here at Hope House could make this happen. It would also not be possible without the amazing support we get from those who fundraise for us throughout the year.” 

Hope House is only able to be here for children and families like Theo’s, thanks to generous donations. There are many ways in which people can support the charity, such as making a regular donation, playing the weekly lottery, or holding a fundraising event. 

If you would like to learn more about supporting Hope House, please visit hopehouse.org.uk or to keep up to date with the community, click here.

Theo swimming

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