Home Wrexhamites Healthy Working Wales Survey

Healthy Working Wales Survey

by Adam Howarth, Editor

Brief Survey – Healthy Working Wales Want Your Views!

As part of their new delivery model, Healthy Working Wales (HWW) are keen to establish an initial stage of engagement with employers. This partnership will consist of a pledge or commitment to action on health and wellbeing. They aim to engage as many employers as possible at a minimum level to build a relationship and encourage action.

For many employers, this will be the first step on their health and wellbeing journey with HWW. The intention is to commit to making progress and taking some action within 12 months of signing up.

The engagement will:

  • act as a motivator to identify needs, plan and implement changes, and make progression;
  • enable HWW to provide ongoing engagement and encouragement; and
  • be a gateway to accessing HWW tools, including our online needs assessment tools in development with Cardiff University, and a revamped awards programme.

Employers already engaged with HWW can make the pledge or commitment to action. They can do this even though they may already be well into their journey with health and wellbeing.

They have come up with a range of potential names for the new pledge or commitment to action. HWW are keen to hear your feedback on which term best captures the essence of what they are trying to achieve as outlined above. They can then think through which term works best in English and Welsh.

Please follow this link to complete an anonymous brief survey by 28th January and let us know what you think!

Feel free to share this e-bulletin and survey link with colleagues and other employers in Wales so HWW can gather as many views as possible.

HWW thank you for your participation.

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