Home Community Dee Valley Federation of Schools

Dee Valley Federation of Schools

by Love Wrexham Magazine

Friday, March 1st, 2024, saw the Dee Valley Federation of Schools (Ffederasiwn Dyffryn Dyfrdwy), including Ysgol Pentre CIW, Ysgol Froncysyllte, and Ysgol Y Garth, come together to celebrate the annual Eisteddfod.

The day was filled with music, dance, poetry and song to celebrate Dewi Sant. It was the first time that the Eisteddfod was held in person with all three schools since COVID. It was a joy to have such a warm welcome into St Mary’s Church in Chirk for the day.

The morning saw all age groups complete well-being and get-to-know-you tasks. This was to aid the Federation’s work and the pupils’ future transition to secondary school. The schools held their own Twmpath, where all pupils were able to show off the Dawnsio Gwerin skills they had been practicing back in their individual schools.

In the afternoon, the pupils competed in the Dee Valley Federation Eisteddfod. Children took part in photography, poetry, art, and handwriting competitions. They also performed beautiful Welsh songs for the audience. It was wonderful to see them take to the stage and celebrate their Welsh culture and language.

The Federation would like to thank the judges, Diolch i Mrs Hillary Harriman, Rev. Matt Wilkinson from St Mary’s Church, and Mrs Buddug Selway-Jones from Wrexham’s Welsh Language Advisory Team, who had a very difficult job. They would also like to thank the Federation families who supported the day.

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