A placement with a prisoner support charity fitted so well for a Wrexham Glyndwr University Social Work student. He not only secured a job at its end, but ended up with a national award as well.
Jamie Dixon from Penyffordd initially embarked on the placement with the Prison Advice Care Trust (Pact). This was part of his studies for the Glyndwr’s BA (Hons) Social Work course. During his 80-day placement, he worked with the Trust and prisoners at HMP Berwyn. He would prepare the prisoners for the day they were released and also help them to return to life outside the prison.
Jamie said: “I would help them sort out housing, benefits, food, liaison with council departments and things like that. The charity actually works out of the probation office in Wrexham. A lot of my time was spent in there.”

Before Jamie Received His Award
Following his placement, Jamie was contacted by the charity. He was told he was one of a select group of people from up and down the UK who had been selected to receive a volunteering award. Jamie and the other volunteers were also asked to come to a special presentation at the House of Lords as part of an event celebrating Pact’s 120th year helping people.
He said: “After I heard I had been put forward for the award, my dad and I were invited down to the Houses of Parliament. This is where the ceremony was being held. It was very interesting actually. We went down there the day Theresa May resigned and that was fascinating to watch in the House of Commons. Seeing those processes in Parliament is not something everyone gets to see. We were each given an award by David Gauke the Justice Secretary. It was great to be recognised for the work I had done. Pact is a big charity. Out of all the people in the country they could have given an award to, they picked just 13 of us.”
What Jamie Is Doing Now
Jamie is now working part time while he completes his studies at Glyndwr. He is looking forward to applying his degree once he graduates and finds a career in social work.
He added: “After the placement and the awards, I actually ended up getting a job with Pact. Working with prisoners from HMP Berwyn. That’s the kind of arena I’d like to work in once I graduate. My mum is a social worker, coming to Glyndwr to study to become one too seemed the next logical step for me.”
Senior lecturer in Social Work at Wrexham Glyndwr University. Liz Lefroy, said: “Each Social Work student at Glyndwr is expected to apply the skills they learn with us on a placement. Jamie is a conscientious student who performed exceptionally well on his second year placement. He was given a challenging opportunity and he rose to that challenge.
We work hard with our partner organisations: Wrexham, Flintshire and Denbighshire Councils. They provide students with placements which enable them to grow into the social work role. This turned out to be a particularly good fit.”
To find out more about Wrexham Glyndwr University’s BA (Hons) in Social Work, visit https://www.glyndwr.ac.uk/en/undergraduatecourses/socialwork