Home Lifestyle The Wonderful World of Colour Therapy

The Wonderful World of Colour Therapy

by Adam Howarth, Editor
Wonderful World of Colour Therapy

The Wonderful World of Colour Therapy is by our well-being expert Emma Sims

For many years, black was my favourite colour. I remember my mum saying, ‘I wish you’d wear more pink!’, but I had an aversion to pink and blue.

As I came to understand the subtle associations colours can have as a supplement to health and well-being, their pull or repulsion, and what that can reveal, I learnt to love them all. Nowadays, my preference is for pink!

Inner Searching and Reflection

Photo by Sharon McCutch

Consider now your favourite and your least favourite colours, then have a look below at some meanings. They’re indicators and won’t be true for all; take what is meaningful for you. For example, black can be helpful for those who want to fade into the background. It’s a colour for inner searching and reflection, which made sense back then.

Red is a colour of passion, ambition, energy, and vitality, but it can be inflammatory physically and mentally, hence its relationship to anger and danger. Great to wear if you need a boost for a demanding day at work.

Orange, the colour of joy, can liberate our emotions, both positive and negative. It may stimulate appetite, links with reproductivity, and helps with self-pity and unwillingness to forgive. The peach and apricot shades can help with nervous exhaustion and burn-out.

Focus, Concentration and Memory

Yellow is the colour of the gut-brain axis as it stimulates mental processes such as focus, concentration and memory, and our digestion. An uplifting, energising colour for self-confidence and optimism.

Green is balancing and may soothe stress. It links with nourishment and can help with emotional trauma, grief, the heart and lungs. It relaxes us and gives us a feeling of space.

Turquoise may support the immune system, soothing mental strain especially for sensitives – think of the sea. Blue cools and is calming and quietens that “hustle and bustle” feeling of stress. It pacifies and encourages speech and communication where that’s difficult. As an anti-inflammatory, it may help with sore throats. 

Violet may be helpful for mental and emotional disorders, such as obsessions and combatting fear and other emotional disturbances. A sedative colour, it can help some people with headaches and may aid sleep.

Compassion, Support and Kindness

Magenta is a colour of spiritual change I see around people coming for a reading. For those worried or despondent, it indicates spiritual upliftment. It’s excellent for compassion, support and kindness.

And pink? Well, what about that one? It represents self-love, nurturing and compassion and calms irritation, over-sensitivity and vulnerability. I needed a lot of that back then!

Introducing more colours may bring subtle or apparent benefits by the mindful use of clothing, accessories, décor, aromatherapy oils, plants and flowers. Eating colourful foods are also linked to higher proportions of healthful antioxidants. Looking to surround ourselves with a rainbow of colours helps us absorb the beneficial frequencies, inspiration and beauty of colour.

Whatever your colour, surrounding yourself with a rainbow is not an overnight quick fix but indeed a journey worth pursuing.

About the Author – Emma Sims

Emma Sims

Emma Sims is a complementary holistic therapist, intuitive practitioner and Reiki teacher with 20+ years’ experience in this field. She has a clinic at the Community Resource Centre in Gwersyllt.

Obtain further details from emmasims.co.uk.

We hope you enjoyed reading about The Wonderful World of Colour Therapy. Please see our other articles on Lifestyle and Well-Being.

Main image by Giulia May.

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