Home Outdoors Slate and Waterfalls – Glyn Ceiriog Circular

Slate and Waterfalls – Glyn Ceiriog Circular

by Adam Howarth, Editor

Although long stretches of the Glyn Ceiriog walk are along country lanes, you will also discover woodland tracks and an old drovers’ trail with some truly astounding views of the surrounding countryside.

You’ll walk over slate beds and by some dramatic waterfalls.

Get Your Kit Right

I scouted the walk in early January, and, while it was drier underfoot than last month’s almost constant surface water, there were still points where you might have to quickstep across waterlogged sections.

A good pair of boots is advisable as I did have to ground my foot in the middle of the water, which was about ankle height. You’ll have to be nimble to avoid the water getting into your footwear! If you wish to avoid such an experience, I recommend waiting for a period of drier weather before attempting the walk.

Starting Point

I parked in the middle of Glyn Ceiriog on the main road just before the war memorial as you arrive in the village heading from the direction of Chirk. I headed west out of the village and walked through the eastern portion of Ceiriog Forest before heading back east on a route slightly to the south of the one I took to begin with.

The walk is incredibly steep to begin with but flattens out for the middle section before dropping dramatically back into Glyn Ceiriog towards the end. The total ascent is just over 1160 feet or 355 metres, with the highest point topping out at 1526 feet. Quite a difference from last month’s 205 feet!

The map is available online at explore.osmaps.com/route/19804346 if you have an OS Map subscription.

Walk Directions

Tithe Barn

Stand with your back to the front of the Glyn Valley Hotel. Turn 90° to your left and walk up High Street passing the corner convenience store on your left. Walk past the Royal Oak on your right after a couple of minutes. After you’ve been walking for about a quarter of a mile altogether, you’ll come to a mini-crossroads (1) with “Tithe Barn”, a curious house on your right that has a part-timbered wall; and a red letterbox set into the wall on your left.

1. Turn left here
(1) Turn left here

Turn left and follow the very steep path uphill as it bears to the left. Turn left on the path you join after about 0.2 miles or five minutes. Keep to this track now for the next quarter mile as it twists and turns uphill, most notably at one point quite sharply to the left. You’ll then reach a stretch resembling a drovers’ trail with slate beds at the end of which the track starts to level out.

Cern Canol

Ignore the track off to the left just after the farm called Cefn Canol. You’ll eventually reach a T-junction about 30 minutes or a mile after you turned left at Tithe Barn. Turn left and then immediately right up the narrow gravel track. You’ll step over a metal pipe dug into the ground which has broken open to reveal a corrugated yellow plastic pipe inside (2). Leave the track after a couple of minutes, carrying straight on instead of following it as it bends right.

2. The track with the broken metal pipe
(2) The track with the broken metal pipe

Once through the gateway to the left of the huge tractor tyre lying on the bank in front of you, you’ll find yourself on a more basic earth track lined to the right by silver birch trees. This was a little flooded when I passed this way but a short hop, skip and jump took me over the first patch of water and a path along the left bank took me round the second one.

Ceiriog Forest

You’ll pass a small, dense pine wood inside a fenced area before coming to a road running across you. Turn left and you’ll get your first sight of Ceiriog Forest ahead of you and to your left (3). You’ll also hear the river down to your left. Walk past the grey Ceiriog Forest sign on your right a few minutes later.

3. The sign for the Ceiriog Forest
(3) The sign for the Ceiriog Forest

After about five minutes, you’ll pass a rustic bench on your right (4). Turn right through the black metal gate into the forest. Follow the track between the trees as it bears to the left. About a mile after entering the forest, you’ll pass a small pond on your right and then walk between two stacks of large sawn logs.

4. Turn right through the metal gate after this bench
(4) Turn right through the metal gate after this bench

Up ahead is another track that runs across you. Turn left onto this track and walk along it for about 0.8 miles. Exit the forest through the metal gate (5) and turn left along the track that runs across ahead of you. There are some spectacular views to your right as you continue along this path.

5. Turn left once through the gate
(5) Turn left once through the gate

Slate Steps

A quarter of a mile after leaving the forest, you’ll walk past an n-shaped metal frame on your right and some slate steps cut into the grass bank on your left. Carry straight on and the track will turn into a tarmacked road. Carry straight on along the road after reaching the T-junction with the signpost telling you that Berwyn, Chirk and Vron are to your left (6).

6. Go straight on here
(6) Go straight on here

Half a mile after the T-junction, hop over the well-made and sturdy wooden stile (7) by the footpath sign on your left. You’ll see an entrance for Ty Cerrig on your right just beforehand.

7. Walk to the right of the slate outcrop here
(7) Walk to the right of the slate outcrop here

Slate Outcrop

Walk to the right of the splendid slate outcrop and follow the field along the right-hand wall and fence line. Hop over the stile in the fence in front of you after a few minutes. Keep following the right-hand wall and fence line and you’ll see two houses up ahead: Peny- fedw and Pen-y-bedw. Exit the second field over the wooden stile and turn left along the road. Ignore the right turn after about 0.25 miles (8) and carry on for a further half mile along the twisting lane. You’ll come to a junction.

8. Walk straight on here
(8) Walk straight on here

Keep to the road you’ve been on by turning right (9) and passing the pool down to your right and the waterfall to your left after a couple of minutes. Go through the gate on your right a minute or so further on and walk carefully down the slope. Don’t miss the waterfall on your right.

9. Follow the road to the right here
(9) Follow the road to the right here

Deep Gorge

Carry on down the slope and bear left along the stony track. You’ll pass a deep gorge on your left and then what used to be a quarry. Climb the stile to the right of the metal gate (10) and pass the drive that rises to the house on your left. You’ll see another drive to your right. Walk straight on.

10. Hop over the stile here
(10) Hop over the stile here

The track turns into a road. Follow this road for about half a mile as it turns sharply downhill back into Glyn Ceiriog. You’ll come out to the left of the Glyn Valley Hotel (11).

(11) Glyn Valley Hotel
(11) Glyn Valley Hotel

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