Home Lifestyle What Exactly Does A Holistic Therapist Do?

What Exactly Does A Holistic Therapist Do?

by Love Wrexham Magazine
Holistic Therapist Article

When we work holistically, clients can gain insight into their imbalances and see how the levels can interrelate and how one unbalanced level may affect another. So, what exactly does a holistic therapist do?

Headaches and Bad Backs

For example, a ‘nervous tummy’ may be a physical reaction to an emotional imbalance. A stress headache might be rooted in the pressure someone puts themselves under and tense shoulders may result from feeling over-responsible. Lack of self-support may provoke a bad back and chronic pain can trigger mental strain.

Examples of holistic therapies include Reiki, Indian head massage, reflexology and aromatherapy massage. The latter uses essential oils and you may personally relate to how well eucalyptus oil can clear a blocked nose.

Holistic treatments can address multiple imbalances simultaneously and, in the case of massage, influence the choice of oils used. The therapist may select rosemary oil for a client’s physical aches as well as their mental tension from work-pressure. Bergamot may ease their grief following a bereavement and cedarwood can relax and ground them. It is important that the client likes the aroma of the chosen oils.

Complementary, Not Alternative

A holistic therapist works alongside medical professions and is complementary to that care, not alternative. Some people come for therapies with symptoms that have been checked by their GP, yet no physical medical origin has been found. Therapy may include treatments and lifestyle adjustments.

Factors such as nutritional imbalance, stress, trauma, poor posture, spiritual awakenings, environmental factors, relationships and friendships, attitude to self and blocked intuition can throw us off-balance.

Identifying multiple factors can be an ongoing process of personal development and growth. A holistic therapist won’t judge; many of us are striving to balance ourselves or have been through difficulties which help us to empathise with clients. I trained in holistic therapies because they helped and continue to help me.

Different Responses

Some people find they benefit from just one treatment or a few now and then. Others, especially with chronic problems, may benefit from regular therapy. An ethical therapist never claims to cure or guarantees results because we all respond differently. It is the client’s body that does the healing – the therapist’s role is to deliver the chosen treatment in a safe, relaxing space.

The Wrexham area is fortunate to be home to a good number of therapists who work in this way. Choosing the right one for you is very important. Listen to your intuition, as well as checking out qualifications and professional membership. We each have a unique way of working with others. If you can relax and feel comfortable with the therapist, this is a fundamental starting point for boosting your well-being.

by Emma Sims, Holistic Therapist

Emma Sims has written a book about self-care, which is due to come out on October 3rd. It is available through WordWorx Publishing. More details can be obtained from emmasims.co.uk.

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